Salon Rates


At Olivia Presley Hair Co. we offer three service levels, Gold, Silver and Bronze, from which you can choose.

We have a great team of talent and we are confident there is a stylist who can meet your individual needs at a price that works for you. Promotions are based on salon experience, education, proficiency, advanced techniques and stylist’s demand on time.

We have four levels of stylists based upon experience Gold, Silver, Bronze and Junior Stylist.

Meet our stylists to select who you would like to work with!

Meet our stylists to select who you would like to work with!

 Junior Stylist Pricing

Express $125 

Regular $200 

Deep Conditioning 25$

Toner 45$ 

Single Process All Over 85$

Single Root Touch 65$ 

Blow Out 25$

Child’s Cut 35$

We’re Saving You A Seat
